Hot Springs
VA 24445
First Settlers Region, Porsche Club of America
April 30th – May 1st at the historic Homestead Resort
Hot Springs, Virginia
Please join us for a weekend of fun, driving some beautiful roads in western Virginia and visiting the Boy’s Home of Covington – one of our sponsored charities.
Mark your calendars for the last weekend in April to dust the cobwebs off of your Garage Queen and hit the road!! Look for details on the First Settlers Region website and mass email announcements.
The weekend will start with a rendezvous at the historic Homestead Resort and will include a fun run and visit to the Boy’s Home in Covington, Virginia. We’ll have another fun drive back to the resort, include a reception and dinner. We’ll have block room rates of $190/night, plus tax – which is a great price to experience this very unique and historic resort.
Much more information coming soon!!