Membership Chair

Ken joined PCA in 2005. Ken lives in Chesapeake and drives a 1997 911 (993).


John has been an active member of PCA since 1999 while living in northern Virginia. He and his wife, Gayle, moved to Norfolk in 2005, switching membership to FSR, and continuing to enjoy the camaraderie of fellow Porsche owners.


Jerry has been a member of FSR/PCA for over 10 years.  He loves the club; its people; and what it stands for; and, of course, the cars too! 


Activities Officer

Eastern Assistant Vice-President

Retired navy and Retired fire lieutenant. Married with a son. Enjoy driving his Cayman.

Western Assistant Vice-President/Driving Tour Chair

Dave Wallace – Western Assistant Vice President

Western Vice-President

Mike joined PCA in 2015. Mike lives in Richmond and drives a 2014 911.

Eastern Vice President

Keith Stone has been a Porsche owner and member of FSR for two years and works in information technology for an aerospace engineering firm.

FSR President

Erik became a PCA member in 1987. He owns a 1964 356C European model, a 1984 3.2L Carrera and a 1986 Rothmans Porsche Challenge 944 race car and lives in Virginia Beach.