Erik Apotheker
Erik became a PCA member in 1987. He owns a 1964 356C European model, a 1984 3.2L Carrera and a 1986 Rothmans Porsche Challenge 944 race car and lives in Virginia Beach.
Erik became a PCA member in 1987. He owns a 1964 356C European model, a 1984 3.2L Carrera and a 1986 Rothmans Porsche Challenge 944 race car and lives in Virginia Beach.
Goodie Store Chair
Social Media Chair
Charity Chair
Tech Chair
Safety Chair
DE Volunteer Coordinator
DE Tech Chair
DE Registrar
Chief Track Instructor and DE Chair
Newsletter Editor
Membership Chair
Activities Officer
Eastern Assistant Vice-President
Western Assistant Vice-President/Driving Tour Chair
Western Vice-President
Eastern Vice-President
FSR President